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Our Data Privacy Policy

At Safe Meridian, we are committed to safeguarding the privacy and personal data of our customers. “Personal Data” refers to any data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified from that data, or from that data and other information which is likely to be freely available.

This Data Privacy Policy serves to assist you in understanding the purposes for which we collect, use, and disclose your personal data. By providing your personal information through your interactions with us and using our services, you are agreeing to be bound by this Data Privacy Policy.

From time to time, we may review and update this Data Privacy Policy to be consistent with our internal practices and processes, and/or changes in legal and regulatory requirements. You are encouraged to visit this website from time to time to ensure that you are well informed of our latest policies in relation to personal data protection.

How do we collect Personal Data?

We may collect personal data through the following ways:

  1. any forms (such as, application forms or claim forms) completed and submitted to us in relation to any products or services offered by us;
  2. communications or exchanges between you and us in relation to any products or services offered by us, including face-to-face exchanges, letters, telephone calls, text messages (SMS or WhatsApp), e-mails, and facsimiles;
  3. this website, our mobile applications, or our social media sites;
  4. third parties, such as your employer, healthcare providers, travel agencies, other insurance companies, claim investigators, witnesses, or other third parties involved in our business dealings with you.

What Personal Data do we collect?

The type of personal data we collect from you will depend on the circumstances in which that data is collected, and may include but not limited to:

  1. General identification and contact information
  2. Your name, residential and/or mailing address, telephone numbers, email address, date of birth, gender, marital status, occupation, nationality, educational background, relationship to the policyholder
  3. Identification documents or numbers issued by government bodies or agencies
  4. National identity card number, passport number, birth certificate, employment pass or work permit, or driver’s license
  5. Health status and medical history
  6. Past, current, or known future medical condition, injury or disability, personal habits such as smoking, medical treatment or tests performed or recommended, prescription information, health status and other medical history
  7. Financial information and bank account details
  8. Bank account details, credit card details, assets, income, and other financial information
  9. Social media account and information
  10. Your social media account ID and profile picture, and other information that you provide to us when using our social media sites. If you choose to connect your social media account provided by another social media service provider to your account(s) on any of our social media sites, personal data from your social media account will be shared with us, which may include your social media account profile or your friends’ profiles

How do we use Personal Data?

We may use personal data for one of more of the following purpose(s):

  1. providing you access to our websites;
  2. considering whether to provide you with the insurance for which you applied;
  3. processing your application for underwriting and insurance;
  4. administering and/or managing your relationship, account and/or policy with us;
  5. processing and/or dealing with any claims, including the settlement of claims and any necessary investigations relating to the claims, under your policy;
  6. carrying out due diligence or other screening activities (including background checks) in accordance with legal or regulatory obligations or risk management procedures that are required by law or that have been put in place by us;
  7. carrying out your instructions or responding to any enquiries by you;
  8. dealing in any matters relating to the products and/or services which you are entitled to under this policy for which you are applying or have applied (including the mailing of correspondence, statements, invoices, reports or notices to you, which could involve disclosure of certain personal data about you to bring about delivery of the same, as well as on the external cover of envelopes/mail packages);
  9. investigating fraud, misconduct, any unlawful action or omission, whether relating to your application, your claims or any other matter relating to your policy, and whether or not there is any suspicion of the aforementioned;
  10. complying with applicable law in administering and managing your relationship with us;
  11. sending you marketing, advertising, promotional information about our products and services that we may be selling or marketing (unless you have specifically opted out or have written to us to stop sending you such information), through such modes of communication as: post/mail, telephone calls, text messages (SMS or WhatsApp), e-mails, and facsimiles.

To whom do we disclose Personal Data?

The third parties to whom your personal data will be disclosed will depend on the purposes for which that personal data is used. Due to the global nature of our business, we may disclose and transfer personal data to the following parties, wherever they are sited:

  1. the participating insurers;
  2. intermediaries and agents (such as financial advisors and brokers), affinity partners, appointed representatives, and/or other business partners who distribute or promote our products and services;
  3. external third-party service providers we have engaged in connection with insurance underwriting and/or claims, including but not limited to healthcare providers, claim administrator, travel & assistance providers, call center service providers, claim investigators/assessors, banks, credit card companies, translators, communication and IT providers, and similar third-party vendors and outsourced service providers that assist us in carrying out our business activities;
  4. external third-party service providers we have engaged to provide such services as marketing and research, telemarketing, document and records management providers, printing, courier, mail distribution, training, disaster recovery and business continuity;
  5. our professional advisors, including but not limited to accountants, actuaries, auditors, legal advisors;
  6. governmental authorities or law enforcement agencies/regulators, including the Police, Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau, Singapore Customs, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Central Provident Fund Board, Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore, Land Transport Authority, Ministry of Manpower and Ministry of Health;
  7. any party involved in court action, tribunal, arbitrator or dispute resolution center such as the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre (of Singapore);
  8. other third parties, including but not limited to credit bureaus, credit reporting agencies, or other people involved in an incident that is the subject of a claim.

Personal Data of other individuals

If there is any personal data relating to other individuals (such as your dependants), you agree to inform the individual(s) about the content of this Data Privacy Policy, and obtain prior consent to act on their behalf to allow for the collection, use, disclosure, and transfer of their personal data in accordance with this Data Privacy Policy.

How is Personal Data secured?

We take all reasonable practicable steps to ensure that your personal data, whether held on paper or in electronic form, is treated with the utmost confidentiality against unauthorized access, with appropriate levels of security, and in accordance with any Data Privacy or Data Protection regulations that might apply in your Country of Residence. The personal data is only retained for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the original purpose for which such data was collected or to satisfy any legal obligations.

Unless otherwise agreed, we will correspond with you by means of the Internet, email or other electronic media. Because of the inherent risk associated with the electronic transmission of information on the Internet or otherwise, we cannot guarantee the security and integrity of that communication. We take all appropriate steps to minimize that risk, however, we cannot assume responsibility for any unauthorized use of personal data by third parties, which are wholly attributable to factors beyond our control.

When personal data is provided to a service provider, we will ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data that is being provided to the service provider, who is also required to use appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality and security of personal data. While we take reasonable efforts to ensure that the personal data is accurate and complete, you must also update us of any changes to any personal data that you initially provided to us. We will not be responsible for relying on inaccurate or incomplete personal data arising from you not updating us of any changes to personal data that you had initially provided.

Access and correction of Personal Data

You have the right to request a copy of any information we hold on you, and to seek correction of any incorrect information held. Where reasonably possible, we will correct the information held in our files or on our systems within a reasonable time from such a request being made.

Please note that some personal data may be exempt from access and correction in accordance with local privacy and data protection laws. We may require that you, the person requesting access or correction, provide suitable identification, and we may charge a reasonable administration fee for complying with your request to access and/or correct that personal data.

For requests to access and/or correct personal data held by us, please refer to the “Who to contact about your Personal Data” section below.

Request to withdraw consent of Personal Data

You may withdraw your consent for the purpose(s) of collection, use, and/or disclosure of the personal data we hold about you. Where reasonably possible, we will process your request for withdrawal of consent within a reasonable time from such a request being made.

Please note that some personal data may be exempt from withdrawals in accordance with local privacy and data protection laws. The withdrawal of certain consents may also result in our inability to continue to provide certain products or services, in the termination of a contract, or prevent us from continuing to fulfill our obligations.

For requests to withdraw consent of personal data held by us, please refer to the “Who to contact about your Personal Data” section below.

Third Party Sites, Services or Applications

This Data Privacy Policy does not address, and we will not be responsible for, the privacy, information or conduct practices of any third-party organizations, including any third-party sites, services or applications to which we provide links, even if such sites, services or applications are co-branded with our logo. You should read the privacy policies of these third-party organizations before disclosing any personal data to them.

Who to contact about your Personal Data

Should you have any questions or comments about our Data Privacy Policy, the use of or treatment of your personal data, please email our Data Protection Officer at data.privacy@safemeridian.com.

For customers covered by our Singapore issued plans, you may contact our Singapore Data Protection Officer at:

Safe Meridian Pte. Ltd.
Data Protection Officer
3 Church Street,
#12-02 Samsung Hub
Singapore 049483
Email: data.privacy@safemeridian.com

Non-Personal Data

There is certain information, which we may collect, mostly automatically, through our website or mobile applications that does not reveal your specific identity. Examples are:

  1. demographic information
  2. browser and electronic device information
  3. usage data
  4. information collected through cookies

When you visit our website or mobile applications, we may store certain information on your devices in a file known as cookies. Cookies are text-only files stored directly on the devices you are using to allow us to recognize you each time you visit our website or mobile applications. This will enable us to provide you with, amongst other things, a more enjoyable and customized service when you visit our website, and a better understanding of your preferences in respect of our website or mobile applications.

Most internet browsers, for example Internet Explorer, will allow you to block and erase cookies. However, if you do not accept these cookies, certain parts of our website may not operate correctly and you may experience some inconvenience in your usage of our website or mobile applications.

a Safe Meridian service assisting our Direct Billing Healthcare Providers.